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Niva American International Schoolchooses Sleepen Anti-virus bedding products forkindergarten students.
Niva American International School uses Sleepen Antivirus Kindergarten Sleep Set for the school’s kindergarten bedroom where the students take their afternoon naps. NIVA recognizes the importance of creating a safe and hygienic resting environment for young children, and the need to minimise chances of infection that are caused by harmful contaminationfromvirus and bacteria. Sleepen incorporates the Vesicle & Silver technology from Switzerland in their textile fibre, which works by destroying the outer shell of virus; effectively killing the virus, and ensures our pillow and duvet are clean again. The anti-viral efficacy of Sleepen products has been proven by three lab tests from reputable institution in UK, China and Mahidol University.Safe to human skin and body withOeko Tex Standard 100.
รางวัลที่ 1 | 2 ตัว | เลขท้าย 3 ตัว | เลขหน้า 3 ตัว |
807779 | 23 | 448 477 | 961 699 |