โพสต์โดย : Treamprom Klinhom
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We invite all queer people around the world to share their #queerjoyon their social media channels to further freedom for LGBTI+ youth globally
The Global Center, an NGO that provides education, advocacy, research, and support for key stakeholders globally, celebrates the International Day of Happiness today in line with the launch of its first LGBTI+ and social justice calendar in Thai and English.
Aiming to create action and impact throughout 2021, these talk-of-the-town holidays align with the Global Center’s mission to transform the world through education for LGBTI+ youth.
This activity highlights the authentic happiness that brings people a sense of fulfillment especially in being part of the LGBTI+ community or simply being happy with who you are. By doing this, The Global Center is launching a campaign for all queer people around the world to write a post on their social media channels about how being queer makes them happy and using the #queerjoy hash tag on International Day of Happiness.
‘So many LGBTI+ people around the world are fighting everyday for their basic human rights to safety, freedom, and belonging. We wanted to set aside one day where we celebrate our joy! The International Day of Happiness allows our community to connect in a global way to show our unparelled relislience and power. We can’t wait to hear from all of you as we show the joy and freedom that LGBTI+ people have.’ said Cody Freeman, Founder & Chief Executive Officer of The Global Center.
Visitors can engage with any of these social justice holidays aimed to highlight the need to transform our world through education and create freedom for LGBTI+ youth globally through intersectional, engaging approaches that celebrate diversity and inclusion. For more information, please visit queerglobalcenter.org.
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