โพสต์โดย : pr-executive3@capekantaryhotels.com
IP Address :
From now until 31st August 2022, Café Kantary Ayutthaya, Prachinburi, Korat, Chiang Mai, Koh Yao Noi, Phuket, Bangsaen, Sriracha, Rayong and Rayong By The Sea (Saengchan Beach) invite you to collect points on every purchase at Café Kantary (excluding alcohol) to earn a souvenir, complimentary accommodation or free buffet in selected properties of Cape & Kantary Hotels.
Terms & Conditions
- Gift Voucher (accommodation) is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.
- Member Card can be registered at Café Kantary with a minimum purchase of 500 Baht
- Complimentary accommodation can be redeemed depending on room availability
- 1 Baht = 1 Point
**Café Kantary reserves the right to change terms & conditions without prior notice.
More details are available from Call Centre on 1627 or by visiting our website at: www.cafekantary.com
Café Kantary: Found in or around Cape, Kantary and Kameo Hotels across Thailand, 10 branches of Café Kantary offer a uniquely uplifting concept where customers can enjoy a delectable array of high-quality homemade pâtisseries and snacks in a cheerful and cosy setting. We serve only the best of coffees; let the warm, rich aroma of freshly-brewed Italian Lavazza coffee greet you with its comforting caress. Come in, relax and enjoy life at any of our 10 branches of Café Kantary in Ayutthaya, Prachinburi, Bangsaen, Chiang Mai, Koh Yao Noi, Korat, Phuket, Sriracha, Rayong and the latest branch Café Kantary, Rayong By The Sea (Saengchan Beach) at Kantary Bay Hotel, Rayong.
รางวัลที่ 1 | 2 ตัว | เลขท้าย 3 ตัว | เลขหน้า 3 ตัว |
807779 | 23 | 448 477 | 961 699 |