โพสต์โดย : pandaoho
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TK Park teams up with the Japan Foundation, Bangkok to hold “the Art of Kamishibai” (literally “paper drama”). This live talk programme will tell you why this centuries-old Japanese storytelling tradition is so special and why it attracts audience so much, in spite of ongoing high-tech developments.
Kamishibai is a traditional form of storytelling in Japan using a set of story picture cards in small wooden stage.
Meet two Japanese professional storytellers Etsuko Nozaka and Ritsuko Nagamuta who will share their experience with this charming art of storytelling and how to incorporates it into your lessons plans. They will also give storytelling techniques that can be useful for teachers, parents and childcare workers wishing to use the Kamishibai as a tool to teach and entertain kids.
The programme is set to be broadcast live on Saturday, January 23rd and Sunday, January 24th at 13:00-14:30 via TK Park Facebook page and its YouTube Channel.
รางวัลที่ 1 | 2 ตัว | เลขท้าย 3 ตัว | เลขหน้า 3 ตัว |
097863 | 21 | 881 339 | 290 742 |